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February 17, 2010

Vonn: 1 for 1

Way to go, Buck Hill! U.S. women take gold and silver in the downhill. That's, if I'm remembering correctly, 7 out of 8 downhills this year, between the Olympics and the World Cup circuit, won by Vonn. Just ridiculously dominant in the discipline at the moment.


Blogger Jan said...

I watched the race last night just to see her actually ski (the tape delay is so dumb.) She is fast. There were a few spectacular wipe outs that RTS would have appreciated. The best one was a Frenchwoman who fell as she left the starting gate (no joke) - that was her Olympics.

Congrats to Vonn and Buck Hill!

February 18, 2010 at 8:10 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I watched the event as well. At the end I felt bad that I had slammed the Olympics. I was blown away by the race. Had Vonn not won it would not have taken anything away from the watching experience. In my distaste of the coverage, Bob Costas, crooked IOC members, judges and pros playing the major sports I forgot how cool some of these other sports are. I am not flipping my stance but it is a shame that so many negatives can overshadow the positives.

Without having seen Mahtomedi's finest without ski gear on, just the attitude that it must take to fly down the hill like that is hot.

February 18, 2010 at 9:08 AM

Blogger Jan said...

It was pretty insane how f'ing fast she was going. The commentator said "she can ski and make small mistakes that would cost other skiiers time but she is just so fast that it doesn't matter." When she came off that final jump that had decimated so many women before (and after), landed it and then skied on one ski to the finish line (at what 70 mph+?) C'mon.

Honestly, same thing for Shaun White. He was last so you basically got to see everyone do their thing and bust big moves. Then he went and just crushed everyone. I commented to the wife that I couldn't have told you who won the event before White went as they were all kinda the same but after he went there was no question who the best on the planet truly is.

February 18, 2010 at 9:20 AM

Blogger MCA said...

No doubt, dude. I obviously have mixed feelings at best about snowboarding at the Olympics, but that tomato kid is ridonkulous. Consider: Vonn kicked everyone's ass, in ski racing terms, by finishing half a second ahead of second place. It took them approximately 100 seconds to get down the course, so she was .5% faster than Mancuso. You can't really quantify, but I'd say Shaun White is easily 20% "better" than any of the other snowboarders out there. The rest of those guys are just his Washington Generals.

February 18, 2010 at 10:43 AM

Blogger BG said...

I'm totally fed up with the tape delay and "packaging" done by NBC (for example, I believe they showed all of like 15 minutes of the speedskating, just so we could see Shani Davis win gold - how anti-climactic is that?!), but I still watched the downhill, despite knowing the result, and was amazed by Vonn. She made it look effortless, was noticeably (according to the announcers) favoring her sore shin, and still won.

My buddy and I had the same reaction to Shaun White - we were saying: "all these moves look alike", and then the tomato took the stage and absolutely blew everyone away. Did you see the visual where they compared his air to some other chump? He was a good 10 feet higher. I still think snowboarding was added to the olympics purely for TV ratings in North America (and for the U.S. to rack up some medals), but it was pretty cool to watch.

February 18, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Blogger LH said...

The olympics still give me doesn't matter what sport, it must be such a cool feeling to final get a chance to compete after spending countless hours training.

I especially give credit to all those people who compete in sports that don't have a real following outside of the olympic games...I mean, nobody cares if you win a gold medal in tennis right, because we have the grand slams. But speedskating and luge, bobsled, etc.. I mean, I'm sure they have competitions outside of the olympics, but does anybody really care?

February 19, 2010 at 1:09 PM


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