The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

July 13, 2009

All-Star Break

So, what's going on outside baseball? When does camp open in Mankato? How's the new stadium coming (on both sides of downtown)? When's the British Open and who are we picking? Or do we even care about that here? Are there any 'sota golfers out there anymore? Lumpy, Janzen, Lehman have all disappeared from the scene, and I'm not aware of a replacement.

Chuck G Meter Reading: holding steady at 4 for now. Mild excitement about upcoming Gopher football season helps overcome slight concerns about Twins at .500 at the break and the big, dark green cloud in the shape of a cheese wedge looming around the edges of his dreams.


Blogger Jan said...

MCA - nice, the equivalent of a free-form jazz odyssey. I like it.

Highlights up in the woods:

When you drive down 394 and get to the Dunwoody exit, you now see "Twins" off in the distance on top of the stadium. As you wind down 394 towards 3rd, the stadium disappears for a second then is seemingly on top of you. It's pee-my-pants-excited cool.

Lowlight up in the woods:

It has been confirmed that the issue with the garbage incinerator behind the stadium isn't the garbage itself but rather the 'garbage-juice' that drips off the trucks when they are idle waiting to get in the facility. I think it is going to smell. Just sayin'.

Vikings notes up in the woods:

The distraction of Favre grows. I am more concerned than before. Camp opens in 3 weeks. Yikes.

July 13, 2009 at 8:50 PM

Blogger MCA said...

I'm a big fan of the Vikings Update Haiku above. Let's make that a regular feature.

Hadn't heard about the garbage smell issue, but it strikes me as something every stadium must have to deal with. Can't they just hose it off?

Thanks for the updates; keep 'em coming.

July 14, 2009 at 9:53 AM

Blogger LH said...

Honestly, the planners did not think of the potential issues with the incinerator before deciding to spend hundreds of millions of dollars? (MCA- the incinerator that Jan referred to is not just for the stadium, it is a general incinerator for the city of Minneapolis) This seems likely a pretty big miss, if indeed it is a miss...and if they start saying things like. "It will only been an issue when the wind blows out of the NE, which should be no more than 45 games a year", then it will be time to panic.


"Garbage Dome: Replaced with Refuse Field"

word from the summer leagues is that Johnny Flynn looks very good- still no resolution on Rubio, or a coach.... I know, I know- who cares?

July 14, 2009 at 12:16 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Did the Chuck Gauck meter uptick just a little bit when the Gopher football season tickets arrived? Not only are they for the new stadium but it is a nice home season package. The out of conference games are Air Force, Cal and South Dakota St (They used to all be against the likes of SDST). The conference schedule kicks off against Wisco and for the first time in decades, those cheddar heads won't be filling the upper deck making it seem like an away game for the Gophers. Next up is Purdue for Homecoming. A game the Gophers should probably roll through. MSU is next. This could be the gem of the package as MSU could be undefeated when they come to town. The home package concludes with Illinois. Sure there is no NW (away), no Iowa (away) and no chance to kick Michigan when they are down (not on schedule at all), but all in all a strong package.

I heard Lance Armstorng compared to Farve, the old guy refusing to pass the torch, who is only there only to win for himself. I thought it was bit stong and am pulling for Lance. But it got me thinking is the rest of the world looking at Farve the same way I am looking at Lance? Are we, Minnesotans against Brett Farve, blinded by our hatred or are we the only ones who truley understand what is going on? It is like a bad sci-fi movie where the one scientist is predicting the next pandemic and no one believes him.

July 14, 2009 at 12:22 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Quick notes:

They knew of the odor but assured everyone that "'levels' (of what, I'm not sure) in the air met standards." They have decided to use 2 doors now so that trucks don't sit idle in the streets outside the facility dripping foul-ooze. Dollars to doughtnuts you'll be hearing of a new $50 million incinerator 'creating jobs' in Brooklyn Center soon enough that will replace this one paid for by me, Minnesota taxpayer. Part of the stimulus package maybe? Oh, Carl Pohlad you cheap, dead man.

Big Ten football, outside, in Minnesota. You don't think Chuck Gauck is going shirtless to the first game with a big "M" on his chest, do you?

July 14, 2009 at 1:59 PM

Blogger MCA said...

Nice call, RTS. If those tix have shown up, we're definitely bumped up to a 5, or possibly even 6, especially if said tickets have old photos of guys like Murray Warmath and Bronco Nagurski at Memorial Stadium on them.

I don't care what biking (I refuse to call it "cycling" because its followers all wear those ridiculous pants and outfits to go out on a five mile ride - I'm sorry, this is every bit as lame as those fools who wear stirrups and eye black when they play softball) enthusiasts say, it's not a team sport. Of course Lance Armstrong is only out for himself. Is Tiger Woods a jerk for wanting to win every week? Team sports are a different thing, which is why Favre's narcissism is more of a problem.

That said, there are plenty of reasons to dislike Armstrong. It's just that his competitive drive isn't one of them, for me at least.

At the very least, RTS, we have Jets fans on our side. Cold comfort, I know.

July 14, 2009 at 4:16 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

MCA, while busting the balls of FOB Roedel's, who is a biking enthusiast, I shared your comments. His comment back was:

"I couldnt agree more. It's like the guys that wear the full Lance Armstrong US Postal service outfits with the matching helmet but have the massive paunch and ride a Huffy."

While your's was funnier and took down two groups of d'bags at once, at least there are some people who ride the toy that recognize it is better to try and not look like a pro.

July 15, 2009 at 10:23 AM


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