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November 14, 2007

Nobody wants A-Rod...sniff, sniff

So, A-Rod opts out of his contract in the middle of game 4 of the World Series ( which is essentially the soonest he could do it)... essentially telling NY to f' off... celebrations ensue in Arlington as the Rangers save the $21 million of A-Rod's salary over the next 2 years that they were still on the hook for... and then... .... ... nothing. No race to sign A-Rod by the other 29 teams in the league... no on-line auction on Ebay, nothing. And now I read that A-Rod's contacted the Yankees, told them that he still wants to play there- and that he understands that any contract he signs will have to compensate the Yankees for the $21 million Ranger's subsidy that his opting out made them forfeit.

A-Rod is no question the most talented, most valuable player in baseball; He's easily the best hitter, an RBI machine, remains an above-average defender, he's still in his prime, and whomever signs him to his next long-term contract will likely have him for his run on Bond's home run record- meaning ticket sales, ticket sales, ticket sales...and what, nothing? WTF. Have we finally gotten to the point that owners are willing to say "He's not worth it"? of course "it" being the $350 million that Boras' thinks he's worth.

I find this all very interesting.


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

You know who I feel sorry for? The Pittsburgh Pirates. Just think of all the lost revenue for every dollar the Yankees save.

Seriously, I am not going to debate A-Rods skills, but what about his value? How does his pay vs skills compare to the other premium players? I mean is he really WORTH it? I Would love to see a chart by a very ambitious blogger.

November 14, 2007 at 7:25 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Luke, don't feel bad that A-Rod isn't wanted, he is a rich, good-looking, baseball player who is on his way to the HOF. Remember when you were upset in business school because Ken Lay was going to lose his house in Colorado and you circulated that petition to allow him to keep it? Remember how people were laughing in your face? My point is, I think A-Rod, and Scott Boras for that matter, will be alright sleeping comfortably on a pile of money with beautiful women.

November 15, 2007 at 4:10 PM


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