The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

June 28, 2010

This Crap's Got to Stop

I don't like him, but he's been making a lot of sense lately. The last few weeks have been just atrocious. And by that, I mean shitty in a way that's not good. If it wasn't for the miracle comebeack against the Phillies, this session of interleague wouldn't be just really bad, it would be disastrous. This team is just better than this. They have to be. This pitching may not be what we had hoped it was going to be, seeing as we aren't getting overproduction out of any of them (The only exception may be Pavano, though i'm holding out hope he's somehow returned to his all-star form, and is actually legit again, and this is not just some cruel joke), but this is not acceptable. If they don't go on one of their now standard summer runs, I'm going to be forced to start longing for the days of Alan Anderson and Les Straker.

This team should not be three games under .500 on the road. Especially when you get about 30% of them against the royals and indians. I'm aiming this at you, Gardy -- last time i checked you play 50% of your games on the road. So it shouldn't come as a shock. They didn't change the schedule, and you still need to play the first inning and each of the succeeding 8. So, how about we stop the not showing up ready to play in the first inning crap? Good teams end up winning more than 50% of them because they have to. We wear caps and sleeves in this league, fellas.


Blogger BG said...

Seriously, has Bob Bradley snuck into the Twins clubhouse before games? I can't think of another team (besides USA soccer) that starts more slowly defensively. Sadly, the Twins have actually been putting up some runs in 1st innings, but then the pitcher gives up 4 in the other half of the inning.

Is it possible that this June swoon is just our usual April swoon later in the season. If so, we should catch fire soon. I'm not worried about the offense, as I think getting Hardy back and getting Mauer off the schnied (sp?) will get us fully back on track. It's the pitching that really is troublesome. You can really make a great case for us getting Cliff Lee...yes, he'll be a rent-a-starter, but the M's need a catcher, and we've got a spare catcher. Let's just do it. If it doesn't work out, at least we tried for once.

June 29, 2010 at 11:59 AM

Blogger LH said...

Clever and timely World Cup reference BG, I don't think a 35 yr old BG could have pulled that off.

What are the odds right now on the Twins winning the annual Cliff Lee sweepstakes...10 to 1, 20 to 1? I'm not sure I'm a taker at 20, even though it is clear this team needs some starter help. But who knows, I've been wrong before (I guess that electric fence was turned on- sorry about that Jan)-and I wouldn't mind being wrong this year.

June 29, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Blogger BG said...

I guess I can temporarily relocate from Angertown, MN for a few days. Nice showing by the offense last night, and great showing by Slow-ride today. I guess Jan is the good luck charm.

I never like seeing players incur horrifying injuries, but it seems that the Tigers were in shock for the last two days after Zumaya went down Monday night. He said it felt like someone smashed his elbow with a hammer. Yikes. I'd say it's 50/50 that he's done forever...despite what he and his teammates are saying.

June 30, 2010 at 4:04 PM

Blogger MCA said...

Sort of off topic, but responsive to BG's first response upthread: Bob Bradley's got to go, right? In addition to the complete inability to get his team motivated to start games on the big stage, starting Ricardo Clarke instead of Benny Feilhaber against Ghana has to be one of the most idiotic coaching ideas I've seen. I don't know soccer, but that was dumb. I yelled at the TV when I saw that name in the starting lineup.

From what I can tell, to evolve from a team that can usually make it out of group play in the World Cup but that's the end of aspirations to a team that would expect to win an elimination game more than once every couple decades, requires that at some point you start acting like you think you're better than your opponent, and start throwing punches early in the bout instead of dancing around the ropes and hoping to win by decision. In other words, we ran roughshod over Algeria and Slovenia in the second halves of those games with Feilhaber and Edu on the field. Pretty easy call to put them on the fucking field against Ghana to start the game, then, no?

Anyway, I've been getting hammered by work, so fortunately I've missed this skid the Twins are on, other than BG's desciption of them during the Brewers series as "uninspiring." Seems pretty apt. At some point, this team needs to go on a 14-4 run if it wants me to believe it will come close to living up to its potential. And BG's right - when are we going to get 5 or 6 quality starts in a row? It's mind-boggling that that hasn't happened yet. Someone looks good one game, then the next guy gets stomped, and none of them can put together 3 or 4 good starts in a row.

As of now, they've been playing .500 ball the last 6 weeks. Uninspiring, indeed.

July 1, 2010 at 10:14 AM


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