Tickets to Twins Opening Series: Check.
Not sure if you all read the "Holy Bejebus!" section (and actually based a recent poll, not many of you do) however a few weeks ago a FOB pointed my attention to the raffle for Twins opening series tickets so I posted a link and encouraged all to sign up, not sure if any of you did but I did and guess what? I got selected. Today was the day to buy tickets and while I couldn't get in the first game on April 12, I got seats to the 2nd game on April 14 (odd schedule for the opening series.)
I will update with live pictures on the 14th but here is the view from Section 108, Row 20, Seats 9-12.
Attendees will be the lovely Mrs. Jan, DTK, and my F-I-L (gotta pay back for all those breakfasts.)
Oh and it's suppose to be 42 degrees here today, bet it snows on the 14th.
Congrats dude. Very cool. I did not realize DTK was still alive, I thought he was dead.
March 1, 2010 at 10:30 AM
RTS - I am not dead. But I have been haunting your dreams.
Is there any chance that either jan or I will be the first ones to get booted from target field? How should we do it? Whipping beer off somebody is sort of cliche now, but i sort of wouldn't mind replicating that kid and his dad dropping that base coach. I want to turn this thing into a Jersey Shore episode.
March 2, 2010 at 7:12 AM
That first base coach for the royals had it coming and there is nothing to stereotypes.
Yesterday on the Baseball Tonight televised at 3:00 Est they said the Grapefruit Express was going to be visiting the Twins today. Now I don't know if I was watching the 50th replay of baseball tonight that aired the night before and that meant it was going to on last night, but today at 3:00 est Baseball Tonights Grapefruit Express bus will be visiting the Twins so the whole hour should be devoted to the Twins.
March 2, 2010 at 7:22 AM
As far as being removed from the stadium, I think you and jan should attempt to have sex in the upper deck.
March 2, 2010 at 7:24 AM
Great stuff. The music discussion was tasty...MCA still puts us all to shame, and he claims to have "fallen behind." Yikes...I'm still listening to Iron and Wine and Band of Horses and calling myself hip. Also, if you want a great album to just fire you up on the drive home from work, check out the Hot Hot Heat album called Elevator. It rocks...sort of a mix between the Strokes and Bloc Party.
Jan - that is KICK ASS about the Twins tix. BTW, what is that glass building in the left field corner???
No chatter about the gold medal hockey game? Finishing 2nd never felt so good (and this comes from a guy whose teams - as we know - never win the big game). Team USA took the best team in the world to the brink. According to several commentators, there are only three guys on the US squad that would have made Team Canada: Parise (Minnesotan, but NoDak traitor for college), Kane and Ryan Miller. Pretty impressive...
Also, I have to give a shout out to Norway, who won the 4th most medals despite having a population of 5MM people. Wow.
March 2, 2010 at 12:38 PM
Congratualtions Jan, though I think you made a typo in your posting, my intials are not F-I-L, but LH. Don't feel bad, it happens all the time given the proximity to all of those letters on the keyboard.
I'm bringing my glove, the one iwth my John Castino picture sewed into the pocket.. that's right, that glove.
Why there is not a retractable roof on that stadium still puzzles me. I understand the extra cost (what's $100MM-$150MM between friends), but I really think this was a miss.
March 2, 2010 at 2:12 PM
RTS --
"Attempt" to have sex in the upper deck? How do you think i convinced jan to let me use one of the tickets?
Am i the only one who senses a neshek cy young run?
March 2, 2010 at 5:18 PM
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