The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

August 28, 2009

The Dose: What up, yo?

Just some thoughts as the baby crawls around on the floor, pulling herself up and trying to walk (fun stuff, just wait BG):

1. The Fair kicked off yesterday, marking the end of Minnesota's Summer. Sweet Martha's Cookies grosses $1.3M in sales over the 10 days. Think about it.

2. "Schism" - sure you've heard about the schism at Winter Park. Not sure if you saw Sports Center but Jared Allen, tongue planted firmly in cheek, responded: "Schism??!?!? I don't even know what that word means or how to use it in a sentence. I thought it was an STD at first and I was like "whoa, we practice abstinence around these parts." I like this guy.

3. Twinkies - Honestly, do we have a shot at anything?

4. Ted Kennedy died. When does Chappaquiddick come up in the retrospectives?

5. Went to a "open scrimmage" at The Bank last Saturday. The whole thing is finished now and pretty f'ing sweet!


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Top 5 things at the fair:

5. Machinery hill
4. People watching
3. Some combo of cheese curds, real milk shakes, the cookies and all the milk you can drink for a quarter.
2. The haunted house
1. More people watching

Regarding the Twins, before every series I say to myself "this is it. After this it will be clear that we are either in it or out of it." However when the Twins suck, the Tigers suck and when the Twins win the Tigers win. Nothing changes except now there are fewer and fewer series to show they are going to turn it around.

August 28, 2009 at 2:33 PM

Blogger MCA said...

I want to hear the story of RTS and Jan at the haunted house again. Love that one.

August 31, 2009 at 8:07 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I love telling that story. I was not going to bring it up, but since MCA asked...

It was the summer before our senior year. About 5 or 6 Blake Bears decided to go to the fair after 2-a-days of their various sports were over. I think we started off hitting the midway. On their own I don't think any of us would have paid to see the freak shows, but a mob mentailty took over and we spent time seeing the woman who turned into the gorilla, the decapited model who now had the body of a snake and the fat man. Obviously the first 2freak shows were fake and we were not prepared to see the fat man. One glance at the enormous man watching Hogan's Hereos with a tip jar to pay for weight loss surgery and we all knew we had made a mistake. We were all thinking it but Tony K said it "Oh my God, he is real!" At that we quickly left the fat man's trailer and had had our fill of the midway.

The next stop was the haunted house. You would think it would be child's play for a bunch of 17 year olds. Even if they were scared, they would not admit it, right?

Up the stairs we went. It was dark, the sound of a chainsaw could be heard. The first 3 rooms were of the well known horror films: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elmstreet. I am pretty sure Leatherface made some pretty aggressive moves towards Jan. Jan fled down the hallway to a series of jail cells with people reaching through the bars trying to grab all that passed. Jan crouched down into a almost sitting fetal like position and shrieked "Don't fucking touch me!" He then promptly pushed his way through the rest of the haunted house as if he we George Costanza fleeing a fire at a children's birthday party.

To Jan's credit it is an excellent Haunted House. If it were not scary, it would not get my money every time I go there. Maybe Jan's dad never taught him to run his finger along the wall to keep his bearings in the dark areas. Despite the clear lack of bravery inside the house, it must have taken great nerve just to go in considering he had already forced a group of friends to turn off Pet Sematary. I think that his bravery going in the house has been overlooked over the years.

August 31, 2009 at 10:13 AM

Blogger LH said...

wait a minute... what sport was Jan participating in, in which he had two-a-days?

Excellent story RTS- I had not heard that one before. This now makes the list of my top 5 favorite Jan stories...

love machinery hill as a kid... and those wooden meter walking sticks they used to hand out...

August 31, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Blogger BG said...

Laughing out loud out here, gentlemen. Bravo, RTS. This story absolutely never gets old.

What's this rumor about the Twins trying to trade for Rich Harden?!? Can you say too little too late? We're playing great ball, but being 4.5 games out with roughly 30 games to go isn't the time to make a bold move, is it?

Oh, and "our" QB possibly has a broken rib?! Really? That should be great for preparation.

August 31, 2009 at 5:33 PM

Blogger MCA said...

LH, good points. Does X-Country hold 2x daily practices? Also, what are the other 4 Jan stories in your Top 5? And thank you for reminding me of the meter sticks from the Fair. Used to love those things.

BG, the Harden deal would be a bet that we can get him signed for 3 years in arbitration over the offseason and pedal him out as the 2nd sort-of ace with Baker next year, more than a 5 week rental. We could get some high draft picks if we don't sign, too, so the whole thing's cheaper than trying to sign him in the offseason from scratch. Plus he's buddies from growing up with Morneau.

Looks like the Cubs want too much, though. They should be looking to dump Zambrano instead of Harden.

I like that at least our freaking name is coming up when talking about waiver wire deals for guys like Brad Penny and Rich Harden instead of the usual bargain basement targets.

Also, saw a quote from Dave St. Peter today (paraphrasing): "We have the money to keep Mauer here." Certainly good to hear.

As to the Favre cracked rib thing, I suppose it's probably nothing and he's been dealing with it for years. If not, well, my range of possible responses is limited to a Nelson Muntz reference to "I told you so" to "Let's go Sa-age, let's go!" Clap Clap.

August 31, 2009 at 6:12 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Here's the deal on the haunted house as discussed with RTS - I own freaking out at the haunted house, some have socially-crippling moments in private, not me. Also, it was a scary haunted house if you "believe" in that sort of stuff and let your imagination go (and I think we can all identify with a bump in the night and immediately thinking of "Sixth Sense.") Would I rather not have "lost it" in front of my 5 best friends? Sure, but who better to do it in front of?

September 1, 2009 at 10:08 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Was it NSP that passed out those meter sticks?

Jan, if you go please let us know what you had to eat and which ride gets stuck in the on position on the midway.

September 1, 2009 at 3:16 PM


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