The Summer Bulletin, Such a Guilty Pleasure

Why would anyone in there right mind start writing a post on a Saturday morning? Well since I asked, my carbon monoxide detector decided to inform me at 5:45 that it's batteries were dying by chirping every 30 seconds until I dragged my body out of bed. 5:45 is roughly the same time I get up weekdays, so I am now awake while the rest of the family sleeps. I am helping my brother move into his new place today, a third floor condo without the luxury of an elevator. My motivation level to do anything really productive before the move is rather low.
Luckily for me the Blake Bulletin summer addition arrived in the mail yesterday to help me pass the early morning. Without exception I read the Class Notes section first to see who from the class of '92 sent an update. Let's see what we have:
Brooke C -writes that she just had her third kid. Silver spoons and ivory backscratchers for everyone! The Crosby trust should have enough cash that one more heir won't dilute it too much.
That's it? What a rip off. Time to move on to the other classes. Wait! What is this? A picture of Mayank K on the other page?! At a USC game! You may remember Mayank K from every other BB recap I have written. I see more of this guy in here than I did in HS. Mayank if you are reading this here is a tip, let some time pass. You need to let people's curiosity about what you are doing build up and then send something in. I know more about what you are doing than people I actually keep in contact with. I get the feeling when Mayank watches porn he blows right by the part where the girl teases for a while and skips ahead 6 minutes to her getting double stuffed. Another tip for Mayank, instead of sending in the standard pic of you in the stadium, send in something that shows what you actually did there. Something like stealing a role of stickers from the CSU alumni tent and then plastering those stickers on USC fans who were so drunk they did not know the difference between CSU and USC.
LH, do you remember when I was out in CA for the game? It was the time you gave me the 9 digit phone number so we could not hook up at the Dodger game. Thought I would forget didn't you? The fact that you met up with MCA at a Cubs game just poured salt in that wound. But I digress...
That is it for the class of '92. Let's see what else is packed in here under class notes:
Brad S, brother of friend of blog Brett S, writes he just moved back to Minneapolis from Siberia. Most Russians spend their lives either trying to avoid being sent to Siberia or trying to get out of Siberia. Brad S decided to go their willingly. If I were part of the S family, I would move to Siberia too.
Lief S- Reading between the lines, I think he wants to hook up with Jan's sister again now that he is back in MPLS.
A picture of Morgan T. '99, male, getting married to a guy named Phil.
In Memoriam- Nothing about Don G class of '74, my uncle living off the grid. I assume that means he is still alive or they just have not found his remains.
Class Notes actually had some good stuff. Moving onto the list of colleges that the seniors will be attending in the fall. There are 125 graduates. A brief synopsis's:
11- Ivy Leaguers
5- Northwestern
1- Tufts
2-U of M
2- Wisco, This place used to be a dumping ground for 4th and 5th quintile students from Blake. Did they get rid of reciprocity?
0- Iowa, keeping my streak alive! I am the last person from to Blake to attend Iowa directly out of HS. The streak will be broken when a kid decides that he/she wants to go to a big school, wants to get away from home but not go to far and study engineering but does not have the SAT scores to go someplace better. I am not speaking from experience and don't ask how the engineering turned out.
Worst School-U of M Morris. Why didn't her parents save the cash and just send her to Robbinsdale Cooper? Yes, I realize the same joke could be made about me substituting Washburn for Cooper. It is what qualifies me to make such a comment.
Other news and notes:
-There is nothing in here about Al Franken. I thought for sure they would wave that in every one's face.
-There is a picture of a Somali woman speaking at Blake. This is the closest any Blake student will come to having actual contact with a Somalian.
- In every issue there is a mystery photo from an unnamed date and event and they encourage alumni to send in a list of who is in the pic. Would it kill the bulletin to do a pic from sometime after the 70s? Sure old pics from before the merger of Blake and Northrup help keep the donations coming in from the nursing home crowd, but I have needs too.
RTS - Bravo! Why would anyone in their right mind be reading this blog on a Saturday morning let alone posting on it. Great laugh. Thank you.
July 25, 2009 at 12:04 PM
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I am reading the blog on a Saturday night. Yup...
Dude, LOL-ing at the Cooper comment, as they were always the doormat of the Classic Lake conference and the butt of every joke amongst us Western Suburbs public school kids. I'll never forget, during our senior year in '92, the Cooper game was the only one in which friend of blog Bart "the Jackal" Wold saw any playing time as a football "player" at Hopkins. You can't make this stuff up...yes, he suited up every week, and yes, this was his only varsity game action, because we were up by 40 points. Sounds like he was at least better than the kid at Blake who lateraled the opening kickoff to the opposing team (can't think of his name at the moment).
Good question regarding Wisco. Hopkins used to send 40+ kids there every fall (talk about a dumping ground)...Jan, did they kill reciprocity?
Oh yeah...Twins may be done. The blown 10-run lead may go down as the beginning of the end. What the f*** is wrong with our pitching?!?
July 25, 2009 at 9:04 PM
RTS, while I didn't attend your beloved alma mater, I very much look forward to the updates on how the whole gang is doing. AHS does not send out a newsletter, though that is probably a good thing. UST does, however, send out a quarterly update and you've inspired me to write in. I'm thinking something like: "LH continues to breed show ponies, while living in southern CA with his wives Ava and Marie." Something to spice up the catholic college newsletter a little bit.
July 26, 2009 at 8:20 PM
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