The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

May 28, 2008

This Week in (Twins) Baseball

Remember the old "This Week in Baseball" hosted by Mel Allen? Here is the theme song that immediately brought me back to 1984 sitting in front of my t.v. I did a little research (while totally unreliable and admittedly fraudulent, I like Wikipedia as my source of the "truth") and found that it apparently is still in existence on FOX before Saturday games where, instead of Mel Allen, they have a current player be the host. For some reason I remember the show included the "Rolaids Reliever of the Week" but can't remember, any help?

Anywho, didn't get to watch the game last night. Driving home I had it on the radio and MCA's boy Blackburn was still on the mound ready to start the 8th. Thought only good thoughts as I missed the rest of the game. Delmon Young gets this week's "Did He Really Just Do That" award of the week for nearly costing us the game. I also missed Delmon going up to Nathan in the dugout after the 9th inning to try and "hug it out" with Joe who apparently wanted no part of making up with Young. For all the bashing I do on Cuddy, he came through last night and he had a nice catch in the first inning but one game winning RBI and one good defensive play are but small steps in making up for a .237 batting average with that brand new $7M per year contract.

One interesting note, the Twins are something like 27th in the league for errors. After last night we may have moved to 28th. In Gardy's defense, there have been something like 6 different players at second and short and 5 different players at 3rd. Not a lot of consistency.


Blogger MCA said...

I was so psyched to hit that youtube link, thinking it would be the closing credits music. What a letdown! I miss Saturday afternoons with TWIB and Mel Allen, but let's face it, the show was made obsolete by SportsCenter, and even more so by Baseball Tonight. There's no reason for it to exist anymore.

Anyway, to the Twins:

1. Boo(f). Is Nick Sabean willing to take him back for Barry Zito? Could be a good deal for everyone!

2. I'm pleasantly surprised by Casilla's hitting so far. Is he catching the ball?

3. Maybe Blackburn's the real deal? We're in need of a guy to develop into a legitimate #2 or 3 starter for us. Does our rotation of the future ever look weird now: (Liriano) Baker, Blackburn, Perkins, ??? Wouldn't have predicted all this. Thank goodness for Livan soaking up innings right now, is all I've got to say. [Edit - well, maybe not so much tonight, I guess]

May 28, 2008 at 8:24 PM

Blogger BG said...

I never actually saw the Delmon Young mishap. They ruled it a hit, so was it really egregious? Are Nathan and Delmon going to throw down a la Zambrano and Barrett?

Thank goodness for the Royals...tonight's game was ridiculous and (based on the recap) we had no business winning it. 5 runs in the top of the 9th? Really?

Delmon 0-for-3 with two errors...WTF?!?? Can we get Garza back?

May 29, 2008 at 1:06 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

How about that! I did not recognize the song, but loved that show as a kid. At my grandparents house it was on back to back with Johnny Bench and the Baseball Bunch (My grandparents lived outside of Cleveland.)

The Delmon Young mishap 2 nights ago really was that egregious. With a 3 run lead you don't slide into the wall trying to make a miraculous catch. Play it safe and let Nathan handle it. More of a mental collapse than anything. It was as bad as some of Brett Farve's worst interceptions. I guess Delmon must just be a competitor too.

How did Blackburn become MCA's guy? First I thought Kubel was his boy and second I was the only one who voted for him in the "who is your favorite newcomer poll." Oh well, I will just ride the Chad Greenway Viking bandwagon.

I heard on baseball tonight, this is not a joke, that they credited Jason Bartlett with turning the Devil Rays around. The idea being that their defense has improved drastically, which he has been a big part of, which has given the pitchers more confidence to throw their stuff. I almost choked on my tongue.

May 29, 2008 at 8:55 AM

Blogger MCA said...

FWIW, I haven't officially "claimed" Blackburn, so he can be your guy, rts. I think after that nationally televised game against the BoSox I expressed optimism and that I was fairly impressed, so that's probably what jan's referring to. I wouldn't go so far as I did with Kubel - learned my lesson there. If I were to adopt Blackburn, he would undoubtedly go 5-9 with a 5.76 ERA the rest of the season.

Yes, the Delmon play was bad, bg, for the reasons rts pointed out. Even Gardy called him out for it. Then two more errors last night? WTF? Who's the worst left fielder in the majors right now, Young or Soriano?

May 29, 2008 at 9:04 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Funny how we remember different things from TWiB. I remember the opening and Mel Allen's voiceover of "This Week in Baseball!"

Alshouse, here is the link to the closing credits ( it was also the theme to "Jackpot" a short-lived game show in the mid-70's. Ah, Wikipedia will you ever stop being such a great source of information?

A few notes:

1. We didn't deserve the win last night. Boy the Royals are bad.

2. Carlos Gomez lead off the game by bunting a ball foul with 2 strikes (the fourth time he has done this this year) for an out. Gladden's comment: "If that was a good idea, wouldn't you think more players would do it in the league? I just don't get it."

3. Think Young gets a seat tonight in the dugout?

4. RTS, sorry, for some reason I thought Blackburn was hyped by MCA.

May 29, 2008 at 10:02 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I didn't mean to cry about Blackburn. MCA did write praise about him. I am cool with him being MCA's guy. I will just sit and wait as I will not take Lamb, Harris, Everett, Cuddy, Rincon, Boof (although I would love to have him step up and become my guy), Tolbert, Span or Delmon Young at this point. I will just sit and wait...

Monroe should definitely start over Young today.

Twins/ Yanks on ESPN on Monday.

May 29, 2008 at 10:17 AM

Blogger Jan said...

RTS - You feel like a Tolbert guy to me.

May 29, 2008 at 11:04 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Alright, I'll take Tolbert. But my time started after the sliding into first base incident.

May 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM


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