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This isn't related to our core function here at FLSBW, and it's a day late, but I just wanted everyone to be aware:
America has officially jumped the shark.
I just sent my citizenship papers in to the Danish government. That is all.
Edit: I see jan covered this in the side bar, but I thought it worthy of being highlighted.
Many times I wish there was a comment section to the articles posted on the side. This one was definitely desrving of a full blown post.
MCA, once you figure out the paperwork please let me know what I can do to folow. Not because i want to leave the US but because I am now fearful as the Dunkin' commercial is the shot in the arm that Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Axis of Evil have been waiting for. To show my support I am going to loot department stores of all of their scarfs, shawls, ponchos(they look like a burqa to me) and muu-muus. It is a matter of national security people.
May 30, 2008 at 7:49 AM
What is terrific is that one Fox commentator (Michelle Malkin) was the root of all of this. Google her sometime, seems "fair and balanced" to me.
Alshouse, you might not want to go to Denmark, didn't they freak out of the Mohammed cartoon a few years ago? Try Sweden.
May 30, 2008 at 8:26 AM
I think the cartoon was just printed in a Danish paper. The furor came from Muslims elsewhere, if I recall. Regardless, whatever, New Zealand, then. Or maybe Ireland. I hear real estate prices have been plummetting there.
In a sign of the times here in Amerikka 2008, I'm at least half way serious when I request that you not use my last name in response to a post where I jokingly (or was it jokingly?) suggest I'm renouncing my citizenship. We don't need the NSA flopping around up in here.
No need to look up Malkin here. She's Ann Coulter without the wit. The fact that she's on television on a regular basis is Exhibit 42 in my evidence bag in the case of MCA v. The United States Has Gone Completely F'ing Insane Starting 9/12/01. Her site is nothing more than nuclear xenophobia mixed with raging anti-intellectualism. The fact that she wrote a book basically defending our detention camps for Japanese Americans during WWII and is still taken seriously by anyone is Exhibit 43.
The more I think of it, the more sense this all makes, though. I mean, really, the way the scarf flutters in the breeze like a tattered Palestinian flag; the come hither look of Rachel Ray, virgin; the intoxicating sugariness of whatever drink she's pitching; the building in the background that's clearly a mosque. Dunkin Donuts is saying "Come, terrorists, eat our donuts and blow us up. We hate ourselves so much, look at the crap we put in our bodies! Put us out of our misery." It's so obvious in retrospect. Michelle Malkin, thank you for pointing this out for us. We must be vigilant and root out the publicly-held corporate jihad sympathizers hiding among us!
May 30, 2008 at 9:48 AM
MCA, you will remain MCA. My bad.
"Nuclear xenophobia mixed with raging anti-intellectualism" sums it up perfectly. What kills me is that every two weeks Malkin gets a paycheck for what she "does."
We may not even have to look across the pond, Canada (our 51st) is in our backyard, has a dollar that is getting stronger, a number of beautiful cities (Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal), and an attitude towards "social responsibility" that is second to none. Plus, Morneau is from there (as was Koskie) what more could you ask for?
How long before Malkin goes down in flames in some scandal that is dug up on her past? I'm sure someone hooked up with her in college days and is going to say they hung out all night doing blow and talking about how black America should be sent back to Africa.
May 30, 2008 at 9:58 AM
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